Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pain at the pump

With my upcoming trip to San Diego I should be excited to see nicer weather, but I get sick to my stomach as I think about the price I will be paying for a gallon of gasoline. You can’t go anywhere without hearing some talk about the gas prices. San Diego is among the highest in the country when it comes to gas prices. The national average is about $3.90, in San Diego they are paying $4.61. I get so upset to think that oil companies raise the price of gas over holidays because they can make a huge profit and prosper. Prices have been spiraling upward for weeks and show no signs of stopping.

Funny enough, if there is pain at the pump in the U.S., our neighbors to the south may just have a remedy. Just 10 miles south of San Diego, is Tijuana, where an average gallon cost about $2.54, even less if you pay in pesos.


  1. Have fun in San Diego!! I wish I could go! but yes the prices are hurting everyone's pocket books! This is a problem that we cant seem to get away from fast enough!

  2. unfortunately the ONE good thing about the bad economy a few years back was that gas prices dropped a TON but now that they are coming back up...NOT SO NICE. On another note, for future reference when I go to San Diego I will have to remember my passport so that I can cross the boarder for the significantly lower gas prices :)
