Friday, February 11, 2011

GOP Proposed Budget Cuts 2012

This happens every year, two parties disagree were there needs to be budget cuts, but unlike in years tey were never dealing with the tide wave of debt that these officials face. The House Republicans are suggesting 70 proposed cut worth $74 miliion which include EPA, Community Health Centers and high speed rail systems.

It is not a job I would want to be in. Just think these are tough decisions to be made and any decisions made are going to have dire consequents. Sure we can blame our elected officials for making cuts in area which may deem important later on, but we need to be reminded of the $14 trillion deficit we are facing. If we don't start cuttig our debt we could very easily trade with other countries. Becoming a even bigger problem then we face. Many would argue that we should cut from defense, but at a times like this where the world is hostile and palce like China are up and coming super powers. Do you think China is cuting back on there defense?